The Post Doctoral Program is a course for professional researchers in research centers that are under control of universities and can be considered as a course that leads to becoming a faculty member. The people who go through this course successfully and achieve the research and education based confirmations of that institution and university can then apply to become a faculty member.
- Maintaining and supporting the young and potential researchers
-Increasing the level of practical and basic research in research center of medical sciences
Qualifications to register in this course:
-Having a specialized doctorate degree, Ph.D or clinical specialist in the related and active reach of the research center.
-Maximum age is 40 years old.
-Gaining acceptance from one of the faculty members as Principal Investigator and being confirmed by the research board with one or more research schemes
Invitations Announcements
Razi Drug Research Center announces willing to work with postdoctoral researchers in Pharmacology and Toxicology fields.
For more information about this course and to check your eligibility, please call 86703142.